- What is the flap in the dispenser drawer?
- Powder blocks drawer.
- Liquid runs away before programme starts.
Applies to
- Washing Machines
- Washer dryers
Using liquid detergent / What is the flap in my washing machine dispenser for?
Liquid detergent can be used in any of our detergent dispenser drawers. There are a couple of different methods: On dispensers with a changeable “flap”, this should be hinged down when using liquid detergent, this helps stop the liquid running away. The flap must be hinged “up” when using powder.
On some machines you may need to remove the drawer to change the flap. This is usually done by easing the drawer forward until it stops, releasing a button lock (1) and then sliding the drawer completely out (2).

On a few machines (including the Auto Dose and Soft Water machines) the liquid is retained in the drawer by a liquid “insert” or “boat”. This is a separate item and fits into the space where the powder usually goes.

Remember to raise the flap again or remove the insert, if powder detergent is to be used again.